The Vision

The iPhone. Video-chatting globally through a piece of glass.

The Airplane. Flying in a piece of metal over 500mph and over 40,000ft in the sky.

Electricity. Virtually everything in the modern era needs this to operate.

Steve Jobs, The Wright Bros. and Thomas Edison. You know what they all have in common with us? No one had ever heard of them before they made the aforementioned breakthroughs. Their only real ventures outside of obscurity before they created these revolutionary products/services? Humility. People laughed at them, poked fun at their creativity, and judged them for being crazy about making their visions come true. Visions that only they had and no one else could see. Yet.

I’m sure you know some people who either have made fun of you for speaking on your vision and passion, do make fun of you, or would make fun of you right? Right. That is a crippling phenomenon. Let’s say that you can overcome that though. Most people struggle to do this, understandably. So what then, would be the missing link (not a secret by any means – there are no secrets to success) to obtaining success in the passion that has been gifted to you? Belief. I mean the only real difference between those who achieve success and those who do not is execution. But what is at the root of effective and lasting execution? Belief. In yourself. In your idea. In the result.

That is the sole purpose of “K1ng Me”.

The passion and Legacy that I have been gifted is the heart for helping people to create that spark in their mind’s eye of belief. Belief in their passion’s power to transform their existence and the existence of others around them. Be that on a community, city, state, country, or global scale. That is the high that wakes me in the morning and keeps me up late at night. It’s only describable by a steely eyed focus that those people who have found their passion have. The most exhilarating feeling in the world. I’ve found mine. And I’m dedicating my life to achieving it. Helping to further the evolution of the human mind out of the stagnancy that societal norms have created.

Why the name K1ng Me? Every human is made in the image of God. We have the essence of the universe, of God, within us. We are not nor can we achieve God-like status. However, we were made to prosper at the highest of levels and enjoy life to the fullest. Given a fire that can propel us beyond the heights of the airplane. Our responsibility in life is to find it and develop it to the greatest of our ability. We were created to be the K1ngs of our own existence. But there’s 2 rules.

1.) You must demand it of the world and of yourself. Believe it to the foundation of your very being when you say “K1ng Me”.

2.) You are the only 1 who can make this happen. There are mentors and supporters along the way who are necessary to make your vision a reality, but ultimately, only YOU can make it happen. This is the purpose of the number 1 in K1ng.

What is the goal? I can’t do anything to make your desires come to fruition. Just like you can’t make mine happen. But can we help each other? You bet your ass we can. My only purpose and drive is to help show people to the belief that leads to their throne. Not hand out a crown, I don’t have the power to do that. But I have the desire and ability to help establish the belief that the attainment of it is within reach of your PASSION. I can’t go into detail of what the steps are in the growth of this brand and company, but what I can say is stay tuned in to the content that is created here and across all my platforms (Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram are all @K1ngMeDotCom) for whatever purposes you feel fit.

The power of incredible success and creation is NOT reserved for special individuals. The only reason people deem super achievers and world changers as special is because the people who make those claims don’t understand their own power. The ultra successful have found something that burns more intensely than the sun – their Legacy. That is what propels them to astounding heights. YOU. Yes YOU. And I. Have the Exact. Same. Potential. Dedicate the time to discover what drives you into all hours of the night. What you can never say no to, and let’s take the steps to ensure the world can’t either. The passion you have is possible. And not only is it possible, it is MEANT to happen. Because of you, not in spite of you. The world is unknowingly waiting for you to demand “K1NG ME”. Time to get to work.

Written by Danny Wilgenbusch

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3 thoughts on “The Vision

  1. Very Good article that resonates with me. I do understand when you say people laugh at you or make fun at you. At one time when I fell from that strong person so many forget who I was before. Some of them instead of giving their hand they walked over me. Thank goodness to a wonderful set of medical personnel and medication I raised my head. Of course yes, the major part of becoming well is in the hands of the patient. Once I bounced back, so many had forgotten the little old me, who battled on with courage and vigor on behalf of so many !!!
    Yes they laughed even now some of them have no clue of what I am doing or of depression/mental illness although highly educated and being professionals. Now that I have started my blog there are so many who have connected and appreciating and making use of my knowledge on how I became well 🙂
    I fully agree with you, as we are part of the universe and that of God, and as human beings its we who can reach up to that highest level. As after all man has gone to the moon. Well not KingMe but I go as “I am My Path” as just like all of us I and my journey is unique to me. I have liked your article and is following it. Many Blessings of Love and Light from me 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that you were able to open up about some of this on this thread! It sounds to me like you had to prune some poisonous relationships out of your life and your body did you the service of pointing that out by getting sick. Now that those people are gone my guess and hope for you is that you’re more dynamic than ever and making a greater impact than ever. So inspiring to see people fight back and not give up o. Their dreams and passions even through dark times. You’re a warrior. I appreciate you showing some love on this thread!


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